Donate to TC

“I don’t want to guilt anyone into donating money – the following is for the people who have asked how they can donate money (sour skittles also count as donations).” – Thomas 

On July 8, 2012 Thomas Cloyd sustained a severe spinal cord injury – his story is told through the blog on this website.

There will be both initial and ongoing expenses not covered by insurance. Below is an incomplete list of expenses that have already been identified.

Initial, one time, expenses:

  1. Home renovations. $60,000
  2. Manual wheelchair (power assist). $13,000
  3. Home furnishings. $5,000
  4. Special mattress to reduce bed sores.  $3,500
  5. Handicap modified motor vehicle. $11,000 or more
  6. Computer & Phone with accessories such as voice recognition.  $5,000

Ongoing, annual expenses:

  1. In-home, personal care assistant. $75,000 / year
  2. Activity-Based Locomotor Exercise Program at the Courage Center . $24,000 /year
  3. Co-pay for pharmaceuticals. $2,400 / year
  4. Home care medical supplies. $2,500 / year

Studies by the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center find that first year costs for injuries similar to Thomas’s average $740,000 and average $110,00 for each subsequent year (National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center).

With your help Thomas will have the funds to receive the treatments and medical help he will need and deserves.

Please use the options on the right to find ways you can donate money to help pay for Thomas’s recovery!

Tax laws do not allow a non-profit account to be created for Thomas’s exclusive use so donations are treated as gifts and are not tax deductible. This website was created and managed by volunteers so your donations go entirely to Thomas’s medical needs with no administrative cost.